Our products



  • Extra
  • Nr. 1
  • Export quality


  • Extra
  • Nr. 1
  • Nr. 2



  • Extra
  • Nr. 1
  • Mix Quality


  • Extra
  • Nr. 1
  • Nr. 2


Sematex has always believed in the potential of the vintage market. The second-hand market is growing; sustainability and ecology are becoming more and more important.We have been selling hand picked vintage goods from the start. As the contemporary society is becoming more aware of the true worth of vintage clothing this market has been growing enormously the last few years.

Recycling of goods that cannot be sold as clothes

As a recycling company we aim to keep the waste as low as possible. For textiles and other materials that cannot be reused, depending on their qualities we strive to find new ways of recycling them wether it is as a product or as a material. For example some clothes become rags for industrial or cleaning purpose, other become a new raw material, prepared for reuse.